Today as we cannot gather at a common place or join a gathering but it doesn\’t mean that Yoga and the importance of Yoga can ever be denied. Infact, Yoga could not be much more relevant than what it is and could be at this point in time. Everyone across the globe is concerned about their health and well-being, this is the time when we shall, we all shall, wake up to this reality of keeping body and mind healthy. It\’s not only the concern about the physical health, there is a growing concern and there has been a very growing concern about mental health as well, as people tend to become depressed, as there are a number of cases of people taking their own lives. ……….. The very idea of Yoga, which comes from the word \’Yog\’, it is, rather, a fragmented segment of \’Yog\’……….. If yoga is the method to keep the body and mind fit, \’Yog\’ is the way beyond the periphery of the body and mind, to the most sublime goal of human life: to Know, the self and beyond the self, the supreme self.\”
- Naam Deo
Chief Coordinator to UN activities
Meditation Trainer
Vihangam yoga