There are many different religions in the world. Each one has its own set of services and devotionals. But spirituality has no religion to bound cast, community, creed, color or boundary of any countries.
So we need to adopt the higher vibration knowledge or technique, which can help you attend the functionality of praana (breathing pattern), mind and even soul. It is not easy but it\’s adaptable by our surrender attitude, devotional services and scientific worship to the divine master Sadgurudeo.
Section 1: What Does Mean Services Of Spirituality?
Service is the work done by us in order to accumulate our vocal, mental and spiritual energy so that we may achieve the main objective of life from materialistic to spiritual happiness. The main aim of humans is to attain God and their real realization. There are four types of service from: body, mind, wealth, speech and all have one importance; none are bigger or smaller than the others.
Someone who serves or does what needs to be done in a way that will prevent any sorrow from arising will be successful. Success is not determined by who does the serving, but by how well it is done. Successful service will lead to happiness in the individual.
1) Body Service (Saririk Seva):
This service involves our physical presence for the divine sadgurudeo. The divine master will guide you the path of spirituality when devote your time as much as possible according the order (aadesh).
2) Mind Service(Mansik Seva):
This service includes learning and using our intelligence to solve sorrow and make spiritual progress in life. We need to develop our minds by bhajan (spiritual song) so that we can think positively and achieve our goals.
3) Wealth Service (Daan):
This includes acquiring money and possessions so we can live a comfortable life. We need to work hard to accumulate wealth, so that we can enjoy it later on in life.
But it is not sure money will create your divine path, if you have abundance of money but that money is useless until and unless not donate to needy or helpless people. Because of the universal law of attraction says that what you give or donate from mind or your karma the same thing returns to you.
Here I will try to explain the donate value of money even if you have single penny you should donate for your growth of spiritual path by the bless of Sadgurudeo.
4) Speech Service (Vaani Seva):
This service includes learning to speak truthfully and honestly. We should be careful not to say things that will hurt others, or that we don\’t really mean. We should spread the knowledge of divinity under guidance of Sadgurudeo.
Above these seva (services) can open the door of spirituality one and only by the bless of Sadgurudeo.
Section 2: Who is Sadgurudeo or Divine Master ?
\”The yogi knows as much about \’Life\’ as about Death & Beyond. The birth & death is the same for such a yogi. The dimension of death & birth is transcended by a Yogi of a higher order. Such is the Glory of a Yogi. Few seekers know about such an esteemed Yogi. One such Supreme Master of the Yogis is Maharshi Sadguru Sadafal Deo ji Maharaj\”.
– By Sant Shri Naamdeo Ji Maharaj
The Supremely Revered Himalaya Yogi, Anant Shri Sadguru Sadafal Deo Ji Maharaj, was a Great Soul of His time, endowed with unparalleled Yogic brilliance. After practicing to perfection Hatha Yoga, Mantra Yoga, Laya Yoga and other different types of yogas, He experienced, in a crystal clear manner in Samadhi (the state of union with the Almighty), the principles and practical technique of BrahmVidya Vihangam Yoga. The Omniscient Sadguru is the Knower of this Yog, and it is known only by the Grace of Sadguru.
For living a long and healthy life, for human beings in the entire world, He has written the book Swarved including Yog-Chandrika on the basis of His own experiences. In this book, He has described those special techniques of yoga in a simple language. By regular practice, it is possible to make life healthy and long. For a happy life, physical health and freedom from disease also have a great significance.
Sadguru Sadafal Deo Ji Maharaj’s ways to cleanse the souls of the blemishes to awaken the greater attributes within—the guiding force to ascend the ‘nature of flow’ into a conscious realm of life, beyond the mundane existence!
The Master is universal & so is the science of His teachings. We bow down to HIS BEING to bestow upon us the LIFE beyond the existentialism of life. The lost is found in HIM.
The present divine Master:
The present divine master in same lineage called Parampara Sadgurudeo: Sadguru Acharya Shree Swatantradeo Ji Maharaj. He can give us all spiritual secrets when we are try to surrender without blemishes of ego or fully devoted at least from mind.
“Sadguru mein akarshan bhaari (Sadguru has magnetic personality)” – this Swarveda mantra is the best test to identify a Sadguru and when Sri Swatantradeo Ji starts his Amritvani from the zone of Akshar Brahma, nothing remains unveiled. The conscious energy of deserving disciples start pulling upwards; many start shaking thanks to extreme pull by Kundalini power; many true seekers get the answers of their unquenched thirst and queries that never opened up!
Saar Shabd Guru Ek hai, Yaamein Bhed na maan!
Bhed Maan Bhavkoop parei, Nirbhedi Nirvaan!!
Section 2: What Devotionals Are Important To You?
The first thing that is important to me when it comes to devotionals is that they be Swarved. We want to know what scripture is being quoted and why. We also want the devotional to be short enough that we can read, but long enough so that I can reflect on its message.
Another important aspect of devotionals for me is that they be practical. That means they should help me live a more spiritual-like life and reach my goals.
Finally, devotionals need to speak to my heart. They should make me feel loved and appreciated by God, even when things are tough.
Section 3: What is the Importance of Services and Can we Reduce Our Past Karma Destiny (prarabdha)?
There is no proof that one\’s destiny can be reduced, but before that we have to understand what Destiny is. When we hear the word \’Prarabdha,\’ a feeling of fear or despair often arises. This should not happen though, because even if the chain is made of gold or iron, they both have the same function of keeping someone hostage.
Whether someone is happy or unhappy, whether they are ugly or beautiful, everyone has different levels of intelligence and speed in their brains. However by service to sadgurudeo, we can save ourselves in both situations if there is Divine Master Saduru\’s mercy.

Section 2: With What Sense Of Service Can One Get Success?
If service is devoid of any selfishness, fear, greed, and conflict then the individual will be successful in growing beyond their small circle. In Gurumay(unite with sadguru order) life, every act of service is elevated and full of meaning because it comes from a place of humility and compassion. Even if one takes a breath in service to Gurumay(unite with sadguru order), it still counts as an act of service.
Everyone needs their own set of services and devotionals. These will affect your worship in different ways.
You can read the principles of Vihangam Yoga without bias, and it will lead to a goodwill appearing in front of you. This goodwill will help you live a fair and unbiased life, and then you will be able to understand the secrets of service from Sadguru Mahaprabhu\’s mercy. There is only one person who can tell this information – service itself.
Service (seva), divine love, devotion, worship, sadhana (meditation) I consider all these words to have one spiritual meaning, while there is a difference in their practical and literal meaning. I hope this article will help you out to understand the importance of SEVA or SERVICE in spiritual life. If you like than share with your near and dear. Thanks to all Pranaam.
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