When it comes to staying focused and productive, yoga can be a great way to help. However, not all yoga options are created equal – which is why it\’s important to know what is the best yoga for concentration.
Today, I\’ll be discussing five of the best yoga options and one meditation technique which is ultimate for concentration and how they can help you stay focused and productive.

1: Headstands (Shirshasana)
Headstands are a great way to increase your focus and concentration, as they work to stretch and strengthen your neck, back, and spinal muscles.
They also help to open up your chest and increase the flow of oxygen and blood to your brain.
To do headstands, start by standing with your feet hip-width apart.
Next, place your hands on the floor shoulder-width apart, and sink your hips down until you are in a seated position with your head and shoulders above the ground.
Now, lift your torso and upper legs into the air until you are in a headstand position.
Stay here for as long as you can – usually around five minutes is enough – before slowly lowering yourself back down to the ground.
2: Downward Dog (Parvatasana)
Parvatasana is a simple pose that can help improve your focus and concentration. By grounding yourself through your feet and pelvic floor, you can reduce stress and increase your concentration.
To do downward dog, start by lying down on your back with your hands flat on the ground beside you.
Then, lift your hips and legs into the air until you are in a plank position.
Keep your spine straight, and lift your head and torso upward until you are in a standing position.
Stay here for as long as you can – usually around five minutes is enough – before slowly lowering yourself back down to the ground.
3: Cat-Cow (Marjaryasana-Bitilasana)
Marjaryasana and Bitilasana is a versatile pose that can help improve your focus and concentration. By balancing on your hands and feet, you can open up your chest and lungs, which can help you to stay calm and focused.
To do cat-cow, start by lying down on your back with your palms flat on the ground beside you.
Then, lift your hips and legs up into the air until you are in a cowposition.
Now, slowly lower your heels toward the ground, until your calves and thighs are parallel to the floor.
Stay here for as long as you can – usually around five minutes is enough – before slowly raising yourself back up to the original position.
4: Warrior I (Virabhadrasana)
Warrior I is a challenging pose that will help to increase your focus and concentration. By activating your core and strengthening your arms and legs, you can improve your balance and increase your strength.
To do warrior I, start by lying down on your back with your palms flat on the ground besideyou.
Then, lift your hips and legs into the air until you are in a plank position.
Now, slowly lower your heels toward the ground, until your calves and thighs are parallel to thefloor.
Stay here for as long as you can – usually around five minutes is enough – before slowly raising yourself back up tothe original position.
5: Child\’s pose (Balasana)
Child\’s pose is a simple pose that can help to improve your focus and concentration. By taking a few minutes to relax your body and focus your mind, Child\’s pose can help you to stay calm and focused.
To do child\’s pose, start by sitting up tall with your feet flat on the floor.
Bend your knees and lower your body down until you are in a seated position, resting your forehead on the knees.
Now, extend your arms forward and let your head and trunk hang loosely between your legs.
Stay here for as long as you can – usually around five minutes is enough – before slowly raising yourself back up to theoriginal position.
6: Meditation (Dhyan)
Meditation is an ultimate way to improve your focus and concentration. By practicing mediation, you can reduce stress and tension in your body, which can help you to stay calm and focused.
With so many different types of meditation out there, it can be tough to figure out which one is right for you. However, it is important to choose a method that you will be able to stick with and that will offer the most benefits. There are many \”gurus\” out there who claim to be experts on meditation, but have not actually applied it to their own lives.
Before starting any meditation, it\’s important to check the norms in the meditation world. This will ensure that you get the most out of your meditation practice.
1. It has divine sadguru.
2. The divine sadguru has 20 kalas, who guide individuals directly or indirectly.
Meditation is a practice that is beneficial for people of all walks of life. It doesn\’t matter what your background is or what you believe in – meditation can help you to relax and to focus your thoughts. There are many different ways to meditate, so it\’s definitely worth trying out a few to see what works best for you.
Want to improve your life? Start meditating with the ancient VIHANGAM YOG MEDITATION technique. With regular practice, you can see results within a few months.
By practicing these yoga poses and meditation techniques, you can increase your focus and concentration and help to stay productive throughout the day.
These are just a few of the best yoga options for concentration and how they can help you stay focused and productive. If you\’re looking to increase your focus and productivity, try some of these poses and ultimate meditation technique of VIHANGAM YOG MEDITATION. I hope this article will guide you to choose the idea of concentration, if this article will help you then share with near and dear. Great Love!
Can you pls demonstrate Thopukaranam (super brain yoga ) and it’s benefits.
Jai Sadgurudeo 🙏
Yes, I Will do demonstrate and write about benefits and precautions in details soon.
Thanks for the queries.
Jai Sadgurudeo!
This is your demandable article, which I was try to mentioned some benefits and practice process. Namsate