Divine love is one of the most important virtues that we can possess in life. But where do we get it?
The principal of divine love comes from God Himself. We can learn to have divine love by following the example of Sadguru Swatantradeo ji Maharaj who demonstrated perfect love for us.
Section 1: What is Divine Love?
Divine love is a powerful force that can change someone\’s life for the better. It is a type of love that comes from God and is meant to be used for good. Divine love is often described as a deep, passionate, and unconditional emotion. It can help people feel happy and fulfilled, even when things are tough. People who have a lot of divine love in their lives tend to be happier and more content than those who don\’t.
Section 2: What are the Principles of Divine Love?
The principles of divine love are found in the Swarved and are summarized as follows:
1. God is love.
2. God is always kind and good.
3. Love always makes people happy.
4. Love is the most important thing in life.
Section 3: How Can We Apply Divine Love in Our Lives?
Applying divine love in our lives is a difficult task, but it is one that we must undertake if we want to be successful. We must remember that divine love is not something that we earn or deserve; it is something that Vihagam Yoga Sadgurudeo gives to us freely. We can learn to apply divine love by focusing on the following principles:
1. Love others as you would want to be loved yourself.
2. Show kindness and compassion towards others.
3. Do what you can to make others happy.
Divine love is a virtue that we can learn from God himself. By following his example, we can learn to love others as he loves us.
यह लेख मुझे पढ़ कर अच्छा लगा। आशा है की आप ऐसे ही लेख लिखते रहें। अगले लेख का इंतजार कर रहा हूं।
बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद पंकज जी। आपके स्नेह एवं उत्साह वर्धन शब्दों के लिए। आपको अवश्य ही सप्ताह में 2 या 3 नए लेख पढ़ने को मिलते ही रहेंगे।