Top 5 Summer Diseases and Natural Remedies
The months of April, May and half of June are hot summers. In the first month of summer, everyone uses more things like hot, sesame seeds, jaggery, nuts, almonds, oil and ghee.
Due to which the blood comes to a boil, the effects of which are – nervousness, dizziness, diarrhea, thirst, headache, bloody dysentery, boil fever etc.
Excess heat also causes heatstroke. So let\’s know about summer diseases and their treatment.
(1) Giddiness Summer disease
Reason- Traveling in strong sunlight, staying hungry thirsty, high blood pressure, heart disease, sleeping late at night, constipation etc.
symptoms- Physical and mental weakness, loss of heart in work.
Treatment– Clean the intestines by performing Kunjal Kriya. Perform cold-pranayam in the regular summer season and perform Yogic breathing in Shavasan.
Use Amla and Marmalade. Cut lemon, suck it with black salt and black pepper and shake lemon.
You can get diagnosed with nervousness by putting cardamom, fennel, cloves in the mouth.
(2) Dysentery Summer disease
This disease is related to loose motion.
A little carelessness makes a person extremely loose motion.
Reason- open excessive use of market items, use of fried substances, excessive spices, meat, fish and alcohol consumption etc.
symptoms – Severe abdominal pain, bowel and stool with stool, tiredness and weakness with repeated thirst.
Treatment – Uddiyana Bandha, along with Yojanidra, benefits in cold-pranayama dysentery.
Putting 30-40 leaves of Brahmi and grinding sugar candy in the morning is beneficial.
Take light digestible food, drink more water.
Keep food covered, do not eat market cheese, chew food and make regular Vajrasana.
Take the advice of the doctor in the initial symptoms itself.
Take two spoons of Amla juice three times a day.
(3) Gastric Summer disease
This disease is also related to the stomach, in which the patient experiences a lot of pain.
Cause – This disease is caused by the use of open, rotten street objects after sleeping at night after eating at night, sunstroke.
Symptoms – Flatulence, feeling tired, and nausea, feeling nauseous.
Treatment – Take Hingwashtak Churna (Powder), Lavan Bhaskar Churna with the advice by Ayurvedic Doctor.
Do Agnisara Kriya. (Prohibition-heart patients, in high blood pressure disease) Must sit in Vajrasana after meals.
Do regular Anulom-Antonyms Pranayama as well.
Drink plenty of water, get full sleep, eat light digestible food, avoid the afternoon sun.
(4) Enteritis Summer disease
Gastroenteritis is also commonly seen in the summer season.
Sometimes this proves to be quite annoying. It is caused by eating open and rotten things and drinking sugarcane juice.
Symptoms – Thin diarrhea, abdominal pain, fatigue and weakness are its main symptoms.
Treatment- The practice of Uddiyana Bandha, Vajrasana after meals, Matsyakridasana, Shavasana is beneficial in this.
Experimentation with Brahmi leaves 20 pc and make juice with tal mishri.
Avoid market product, do not eat street food
(5) Fever
Viral fever is seen on people during the time of season change.
This is a common fever. But sometimes it has serious consequences.
Cause- The main reason for this is the change of weather, cold water coming from the sun, cold-summer conditions.
Symptoms- The temperature of the body keeps on increasing. There is fatigue throughout the body and unbearable pain in the joints.
Treatment- Sheetali-chitrakari pranayama, Chandrabhedi pranayama is beneficial.
Shavasana, a subtle compound practice, is beneficial. Boil the gooseberry leaves and filter and give the decoction to the patient.
If the fever does not disappear by evening, grind amla, myrabalan, small peepal, chitrak root, rock salt in equal quantity.
Throw a spoon of this powder and drink a few sips of water, the fever will go away.
Vomiting-diarrhea is a common summer disease, which is sometimes fatal.
Cause- Uncontrolled food, bajru peeled, drinking rotten fruit juice and sorbet, phlegm and bile accumulate, sunstroke.
Symptoms- Head heavy, dizziness in forehead, stomach bulge.
Treatment– In the event of vomiting, honey should be mixed with amla juice and in diarrhea, fry the leaves of amla on a griddle.
The stool is stopped by making powder of both fenugreek and roasted fenugreek.
In the Yogic practice, Uddiyana and Sheetali Karana (Yoga Nidra) provide internal energy.
In the summer, all kinds of diseases are persistent, to avoid this, eat moderate food, avoid sunlight, eat clean water and foods.
Stay away from the addiction. In Brahmamuhurta, meditate regularly with Vihangam Yoga, Do asanas-pranayam in the morning.
Follow the truth with your mind, words, and deeds, so that you will be happy and healthy.
Note – Be sure to consult a doctor before taking any medicine.
No medicine should be taken without the advice of a doctor. This site does not recommend you to take any medicine without consulting your doctor. This site provides you with proper knowledge, a proper guidance, so it is an appeal to you to please consult a doctor before taking medicines.
Author- Chandrakant NirbhayÂ
Top 5 Summer Diseases and Natural Remedies