How to improve eyesight naturally?

Today I will share with you, a simple home remedy, which will help remove prescription eyeglasses. which will help in removing your glasses? People often do not believe in such things, nor trust these things. But I have evidence to prove otherwise. People who tried this experiment were able to get rid of their glasses. It is not very difficult. You may say that I will tell you, something that you won\’t be able to do, but it is not so. A few days back, I taught you a few habits to follow for the health of your eyes. How you should not walk barefoot, or how to walk on the grass, please keep following all the advice. At the same time, in the experiment that I will give you today, try this also in your life, so that you can get rid of your glasses. The experiment to get rid of your eyeglasses is present in your house.

Tip No. 1

For this, you have to take, Desi cow ghee (indigenous cow ghee). This is not cow\’s desi ghee, I am talking about an Indian cow, of Indian Origin, originating from Sahiwal or Gir, or any other breed of cows found in our country. I am not referring to Jersey cow, please be aware. It is a minor point. You may say that you have this cow or that cow, It should be the ghee from a desi indigenous cow. If it is not available, try to take out the source and procure it anyhow. When you get desi cow ghee, in that ghee, you have to dip a glass needle, which is used to apply Surma (kohl). You may all be aware of this. You have to dip the glass needle in the Ghee, You have to daily apply it to the eyes like an eyeliner. This means you have to dip the needle in the Ghee, and one by one apply it, to both the eyes like an eyeliner. Once in the morning, and once in the evening. You have to apply the eyeliner with desi cow ghee. By applying this eyeliner, within a period of 3 to 6 months, with just this one experiment. If you apply ghee daily to your eyes. I have seen such a person, who, even at the age of 65, was able to get rid of eyeglasses. You have to apply this daily very patiently, anytime in the morning or evening. After applying, you have to keep your eyes closed for 5 to 10 minutes.

Tip No. 2

All you can have carrot juice and have Amla (Indian gooseberry), you can have Amal Rasayan also, you may massage the soles of the feet, massage your body, do exercises and practice Pranayam, practice Anulom Vilom, all of this is good. But just this one experiment, will make your eyesight much better, and you will get rid of your eyeglasses.

Tip No. 3

When you get up early in the morning. Do not wash your mouth and teeth or brush, the first thing you have to do is take one half little spoon of saliva from your mouth and this saliva apply in both eyes with glass eyeliner. This is one of the most effective methods to improve your eyesight. You will get the best result within six months. It was a tried and tested method, which is an ancient Indian ayurvedic home remedy. Mostly I advise it because it has good results.

You may have tried a lot of experiments, but with no success. If you add this experiment along, with what you are already doing, this will add to the efficacy, of other experiments as well.


  1. There are some restrictions to follow. Do not look at very bright objects. Minimize anything which requires minute attention. Other than this, you should splash and wash your eyes with some water, on your eyes once or twice a day, and press a few acupressure points for the eyes. Have a good diet.
  2. The person who will not take a good diet, who has a bad habit, who indulges in excessive pleasure activity, has leucorrhoea, or if a person is losing their vitality for any reason, or have excessive blood loss, These kinds of people will not get any benefit.
  3. Deal with those problems, along with this experiment on a daily basis. You have to do this for 3-6 months. If you do this for a longer period, then there are no hassles. This will repair your far-sightedness, and near-sightedness as well, provided, you watch TV, but watch it in the mirror. If you have the TV in front of you, you sit on the same side as the TV, place a mirror on the opposite side, and watch in that mirror. Do not watch TV directly. If you do not watch TV, the better it will be.
  4. Looking into the mobile very often, or looking at the computer screen very often, if you could avoid all this, then your good luck. It is a desirable sign. If however, you cannot do it, and it is a compulsion, then that is okay too. Maybe you could apply a screen guard on the screen, or you could change the light settings, such that the blue light is minimized. This will be a sure-shot remedy for your eyes.
  5. You can apply all tips in a day just give space one hour. And you can see these are normal uses.

Please do share with me, how are you feeling, because when you do this on a regular basis, 2 days, 4 days, 10 days, gradually, initially, when you apply this to your eyes, you may feel blurred, but in the long term, this will benefit you. Desi cow ghee to be applied to the eyes, like an eyeliner, This experiment is very harmless, I have seen that all the people, who are trying this, have had some excellent benefits.

Do not ask if non-vegetarianism is good or bad. It would suffice to understand that the pain of getting killed is the same for one and all!

Please try this and also let me know. Share this with others also. Please do not keep this limited to yourself. When you get rid of your glasses, share them with others also. You should massage the cow ghee behind the ears as well. Sometimes, the nerves leading to your eyes are weak, Massage on both sides for 5 minutes each. This is also a very beneficial remedy. Please try this for sure. I will keep sharing such remedies, with you from time to time, which are absolutely harmless, where the illness will get cured and is completely harmless. Stay connected with us. That is all for today. Much Love!

Author – Nirbhay Nipoon

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