According to ayurveda to lose weight, improve energy, and sustainably live a whole day. Ayurveda is a ancient Indian system of medicine that has been used for centuries to maintain health and wellness. In today’s modern world, many people are looking for ways to follow an ideal diet.
Step 1: What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda is the traditional, ancient Indian system of health science. Its name literally means, \”life knowledge. The word comes from the Sanskrit terms ayur (life) and veda (knowledge).
Ayurveda, or ayurvedic medicine, is a healthy-lifestyle system that people in India have used for thousands of years. At the core of Ayurveda is the standard of \”doshas,\” which are the metabolic sorts or real humor that make up an individual\’s constitution.
The doshas are the fundamental powers behind a person\’s physical, mental, and emotional makeup. There are three doshas, \”Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.
Ayurveda is an ancient Indian system of medicine that focuses on the balance of the five elements in the body-earth, water, fire, air and ether. This system helps to create a healthy body and mind by promoting a balanced lifestyle.
Ayurveda believes that food should becooked slowly over low heat to preserve the nutrients and vitamins and to avoid destroying enzymes. Following an ideal diet according to ayurveda can help you lose weight, improve energy, and sustainably live a whole day.

Step 2: The Three Types of Ayurvedic Diets
The three types of ayurvedic diets are: Pitta (hot and dry), Vata (wind and dry), and Kapha (cool and wet). Each type of diet is designed to help with different health problems.
Pitta people are usually more active than Vata or Kapha people, so they have not need a diet that is high in energy-giving foods like chilies, spices, and garlic. They should avoid heavy greasy foods, dairy products, and processed foods. Pitta people also need more water than other types of people to stay hydrated.
Vata people are the most balanced type of person, so their diet should be designed around balancing energy levels. They should eat moderate amounts of light warm food items like milk products, curdled milk, yogurt, and buttermilk. They should avoid heavy greasy foods and spicy spices. Vata people need more water than Pitta or Kapha people to stay hydrated.
Kapha people are the heaviest type of person, so their diet should be designed around balancing the three doshas in the body. They should eat moderate amounts of heavy warm food items like rice, dal, lentils, and whole-grain breads. They should avoid light warm food items and spicy spices. Kapha people need less water than Pitta or Vata people to stay hydrated.
Step 3: How to identify our doshas from ayurveda
The doshas are the five elements of the body that help to maintain balance. They are Vata, Pitta, Kapha, and Dhara. Each person has a different balance of these doshas and their symptoms can vary depending on that balance.
To identify our doshas from ayurveda, we will need to take into account our constitution and how it is affected by our environment and lifestyle choices.
For example, someone with a predominance of vata may benefit from a diet that is light and cooling, while someone with more pitta might do better with a diet that is heavy in spices or hot foods. Once we have determined which dosha is out of balance for us, the next step is to find foods and remedies specific to that dosha.
For example, if you are predominantly vata, you may need to eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, drink plenty of water, avoid fried foods and heavy spices, and take supplements like ashwagandha or dandelion root.
Step 4: Follow The Ideal Diet For Your Dosha Type
The ideal diet for weight loss, general health, and sustainability is based on the principles of Ayurveda. The three doshas (vata, pitta, and kapha) are responsible for our physical and psychological constitution. Each person’s diet should be tailored to their dosha type in order to achieve optimum health.

Vata food:
Vata people need more fluid intake and light foods that are easily digestible. They should avoid heavy protein and spice meals, as well as hot spices. Vegetables, fruits, light grains, and milk products are recommended foods for vata individuals. Pitta people need more alkaline-forming foods like fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, yogurt, meatless dishes etc. Avoid sweetened beverages and processed foods that contain high levels of sugar.
Kapha food:
Kapha people need more grounding and heavy foods like rice, dal, lentils, nuts etc. They should also include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in their diet. Avoid cold, heavy foods like meat, dairy products, and processed foods. Kapha people should include plenty of grounding and heavy foods like rice, dal, lentils, nuts etc. in their diet to balance the excess pitta energy.
Pitta food:
Pitta people need a mix of both light and heavy foods to balance their constitution. They should eat mostly plant-based foods that are high in fiber (fruits, vegetables, legumes), moderate in protein and low in sugar (yogurt, cereals). Avoid processed foods and hot spices.
Step 5: How to Follow an Ideal Diet According to Ayurveda?
To follow an ideal diet according to Ayurveda, start by figuring out your daily calorie needs. To find out your BMR, multiply your weight in kilograms by 2.2 to get your BMR. Once you know your BMR, use the following chart to figure out how many calories you need to maintain your current weight.
Dosha Type Calories/Day Vata 1500 Pitta 2500 Kapha 4000
Once you have determined how many calories you need each day, it is time to figure out what foods will fit into those caloric needs. Try to eat a variety of foods that contain all three doshas and include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Step 6: Avoidable Foods That Help You Lose Weight According To Ayurveda
According to Ayurveda, there are a few foods that you should avoid if you want to lose weight and improve your energy. These include fine flour (maida), processed foods, sugary drinks, and foods high in calories, or sugar. Adults should eat no more than 5gm of salt and 20gm sugar in a day.
Instead, try to eat whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and legumes. These foods will help you stay healthy and maintain your weight loss goals.
There are a few foods that can help you lose weight according to Ayurveda. Some of the best options include: day without feeling hungry or cravings, following an ayurvedic diet may be a good option for you.

Step 7: Included Yoga, Pranayama and Shatkarma complete package for weight loss.
- Surynamaskar 11 times
- Naukasana 2 min.
- Salbhasna 2 min.
- squat 2 min.
- Plank 2 min.
- Nadi Shodhan parnayam 10 min.
- Ujjai 2 min.
- Kalpalbhati minimum 60 reps (15*4=60 reps 1 min gape during practice. Do not practice in High BP.
- Kunjal 3 day a week.
- Jal neti 21 days in a month ( To reduce insomnia, anxiety, stress, depression, headache and enhance better sleep).

All Yogic practice should be done under expert. Here we found Abhays School of Yoga is most prominent and authentic place where you can learn each and everything the ecosystem of human body to nurture with nature. You can also learn the ancient Yogic Algorithms
Sutras of YOG CHANDRIKA which was written by His Holiness Sadguru Sadafaldeo Ji Maharaj.
Step 8: Foods That Help You Improve Energy According To Ayurveda
In order to help improve energy according to ayurveda, foods that are high in fiber, protein, and vitamins are recommended. These foods will help you feel fuller longer and keep your energy levels up throughout the day. Additionally, choosing light and healthy snacks between meals is key to maintaining a healthy weight and avoiding cravings if necessary.

- Food made from fine flour (maida) should not be taken at all completely avoid.
- 1 tsp pure ghee per day.
- Ashwagandha churn 4 to 5 grams.
- Only twice meal is enough. Within 3 hours after sunrise and exactly 1 hour before sunset.
- Consumption of raw leaves like spinach, coriander leaves, lettuce, greens and seasonal leaves 3 days a week.
- Consumption of fruits in 10th gram of weight. For example, if the weight is 60 kg, then take 600 grams of all seasonal fruits in the morning breakfast at least 3 days in a week.
- Light roasted wheat flour, it should be eaten after making roti/chapati. Because carbohydrates in wheat will be destroyed at initial stage.
- Drink one coconut water daily between 12pm to 2pm times a day.
- If there is a feeling like hunger or carving, then we should take some fennel with dry coconut and chew properly.
- It is necessary to take sugar, salt absolutely negligible.
As you can see, there are many benefits to following an ayurvedic diet. If you are looking for a way to sustainably live a whole Yoga is a great way to improve your overall health and lose weight. It can help you reduce stress, improve your flexibility, and increase your strength. I hope this article will add some value into your life if you want to get benefits kindly share with near and dear too. God Bless us. Thanks to all.
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