CHYAWANPRASH | The Right Method of Eating Chyawanpras With Do\’s And Don\’t.

Today\’s article is on Chyawanprash (Ayurvedic health supplement) for people who like to eat Chyawanprash but it does not suit them or if they want to have Chyawanprash and they want to take my advice before the take Chyawanprash. I will share some thoughts on Chyawanprash.

Firstly, let me tell you that there are some people who find Chyawanprash unsuitable When they consume it then the mouth becomes sore or they start to bleed or have nosebleeds. Other than this Chyawanprash may cause some body heat. In such a case I should tell you that their body composition is already hot. If you go to the market to buy Chyawanprash then you have to keep 2 – 3 points in mind.


Kinds of Chyawanprash

There are many kinds of Chyawanprash. One kind of Chyawanprash contains saffron and one doesn\’t. Although there are only 4 to 5 strands of saffron I don\’t think that they would add a lot of saffron but you should buy Chyawanprash without saffron variety If you have nosebleeds or you have high blood pressure. Those whose blood pressure rises or those who have leucorrhoea or those who have a hot body those who have a lot of body heat.

When such people go to buy Chyawanprash they have to bear in mind, that the variety they buy should contain silver It should contain calcined silver (Chandi ki Bhasma). You should buy that variety of Chyawanprash which is cool. The Chyawanprash which has a touch of gold (Suvarna).

Although in Chyawanprash, which is priced at Rs 200 to Rs 250, how would they afford to add such expensive gold? But if they add a dash of gold, in even a minimal quantity then it would not suit you if your body composition is of hot nature. In such a case you should buy Chyawanprash, in which silver has been added or there is a Chyawanprash which is especially available for the summer season.

The name is different. Go to such a vendor, who has a good understanding of Ayurveda If you go to such a vendor and ask him to give you Chyawanprash, specifically for the summer season then he will give you the Chyawanprash, which has a cooling effect. You should consume such a variety of Chyawanprash. Give the hot variety of Chyawanprash only to those children or people who have a cold, flu or Kapha symptoms (mucus).

Only such people should consume the Chyawanprash containing saffron. Those who are BP have a tendency to rise or those who ever had a heart stroke, or if the body is very sensitive such people should avoid taking Chyawanprash containing saffron or gold. People were curious about the method to prepare Chyawanprash at home. But I would never advise you to start pounding the ingredients at home since you cannot prepare it with that precision.


Although many companies are not manufacturing Chyawanprash with such precision because of the amount of time that is needed in the pounding of ingredients many times they do not follow this protocol, many companies… I am not blaming any company but often some companies. In case of a shortage of Chyawanprash in the market, and they are required to immediately replenish the stocks in the market, then they expedite the work on its preparation who knows which lot has been pounded properly or not?

If Chyawanprash is pounded properly, then it can be digested properly. But if Chyawanprash is not pounded properly, then many times that Chyawanprash does not get digested well. That is why, the more Chyawanprash is pounded, even that falls short. Then questions like which brand of Chyawanprash to buy and from where to buy?

Sugar-free Chyawanprash

Good old companies that are reputed and trustworthy, you may buy Chyawanprash of that brand. But if you have diabetes, then you cannot consume the normal Chyawanprash. Many pharmacies manufacture Chyawanprash meant for diabetics, which is sugar-free in nature. If you go in the market, you may not be able to find it everywhere, but some reputed Ayurvedic physicians (Vaidyas), and many pharmacies manufacture sugar-free Chyawanprash.

This is available online on websites like Amazon and others these days. I am not promoting these but I do not oppose anyone either. If you can source sugar-free Chyawanprash from anywhere then you can consume it in diabetes also. If Chyawanprash is consumed in the morning then it is very beneficial. Early in the morning, on waking up but before breakfast you can take Chyawanprash in sufficient quantity. Why?

This is so, because the morning time is the time when Kapha is high Kapha means that in the morning there is more water content in our body, If you consume Chyawanprash at that time and after consuming Chyawanprash, for an hour do not consume anything. After that, you can drink milk or have something else, Some people take Chyawanprash and start eating something else immediately after, so it will not have as much impact.

If the preparation has taken a long pounding time in a mortar or something similar, It has been pounded there are so many herbs in it how can you even say that after taking Chyawanprash you can consume milk within 2-10 minutes? or consume flatbread (Chapati) then that Chyawanprash will not have any effect on you it will all go waste. It has no impact. Hence, always keep in mind that you have to learn to have some patience, You should know what should be taken after consuming such things.

Some viewers were asking me if they can take milk along with Chyawanprash You cannot take milk along with Chyawanprash. Many people recommend taking milk along with Chyawanprash. Since Chyawanprash contains Indian gooseberry (Amla) And although along with Indian gooseberry, milk can be taken But along with which Indian gooseberry? That fruit has ripened and has fallen off the tree on its own.

One can take milk along with that Indian gooseberry but only after drying that gooseberry. One can never take milk along with fresh Indian gooseberry. Now, how will you figure out that they Amla the Indian Gooseberry fruit had fallen off on its own from the tree or that they had themselves plucked the fruits?

That is why I will never advise you to take milk along with Chyawanprash. If you have taken Chyawanprash then wait for a minimum time of 30 to 45 minutes and later eat something be it flatbread (Roti), breakfast or milk. A few people put the Chyawanprash in their mouth and immediately swallow it. Please do not do this because by doing so Chyawanprash may cause more heat and it does not get digested properly.


This is a very valuable food. If you have to take 1 teaspoon Chyawanprash then, to begin with, instead, you can take half a teaspoon. When it gets digested properly then you can move to 1 teaspoon. Then you can take half a teaspoon Chyawanprash and place it on your tongue first, and if you slowly suck the Chyawanprash then the benefits from such Chyawanprash will be much higher rather than swallowing the Chyawanprash quickly. In this way, Chyawanprash is not as effective.

We commit some very minor mistakes As a result of which that food does not have as much impact as it should have had. Then you shrug your shoulders and say that you have tried everything. and add that they have already eaten what I have suggested. You may have taken everything, but you may have eaten in haste or imprudently.

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