
Yoga is an ancient Indian practice that helps to bring the mind and body into harmony. It is based on several principles, such as focusing on breathing, practicing postures (asanas), and meditation. By combining physical exercise with mindfulness, yoga can help to reduce stress and anxiety, improve physical health, and bring about a sense of inner peace. Through regular practice, people of all ages can experience the many benefits that yoga has to offer. The physical benefits of yoga include improved balance, flexibility, strength, and posture. It can also help to reduce joint pain and improve circulation. Additionally, yoga can help to increase the range of motion in your joints and improve muscle strength. On a mental level, yoga has been found to reduce stress levels, improve sleep quality, and provide relief from depression and anxiety. It also has the potential to enhance concentration and focus. Finally, yoga can even have spiritual benefits. Through Vihangam yoga meditation and mindful practice, yoga can help to foster a sense of spiritual connection and bring about a sense of inner peace. With so many benefits available, it’s no wonder that yoga is becoming increasingly popular today!

Yoga or Gym, which is a better choice to reduce obesity during a lockdown?

Both can work. It\’s your decision whichever is fine or suitable for you.   In any case, If you are new in the two, I would propose following a couple of instructional activities for the two. In Yoga you can\’t start with genuine asanas at a beginner level, your body and mind should be set up for

Yoga or Gym, which is a better choice to reduce obesity during a lockdown? Read More »

How to do step by step of Sun salutation (Suryanamskara) benefits and precautions?

Before going benefits about Suryanamaskar, its knowledge about the importance of Surya (Sun), the basis of all things that appear in the world is the Sun. All the planets and satellites are rotating on a fixed basis only by the attraction power of the Sun. The biggest source of energy in the world is the

How to do step by step of Sun salutation (Suryanamskara) benefits and precautions? Read More »

CORONA VIRUS: How to Make the Happiest of Your Time During Lock Down 2020?

  The entire world has ground to a halt, individuals are remaining in their home and driving their lives under a Legal LockDown. It is a Dream Coming True circumstance for the individuals on the earth. Reason? Each individual in his life may have once longed to be liberated from all concerns, and it is given.

CORONA VIRUS: How to Make the Happiest of Your Time During Lock Down 2020? Read More »

What is Yoga?

There are 2 Types of Yoga. Yoga of nature (body) and Yoga of the consciousness (soul) Hathayoga, pranayam, rajayog, layayog etc. are for the body and mind and regular practice of these under guided supervision will result in good health. Vihangam yoga is the yoga of the consciousness which essentially refers to the union of

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What are your top 5 favorite health and fitness topics?

  Weight reduction: 30% population on the earth is hefty or overweight. These numbers are going to increment later on watching the present cheap food and stationary culture. Moreover, there are such a significant number of fantasies identified with weight reduction surrounding us that individuals get befuddled, lose inspiration, and eventually quit.   Superfoods: Nutrition

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