
Spirituality is an abstract concept that can be difficult to define, but it is an integral part of many people’s lives. It involves a connection to something greater than oneself and is often expressed through religious practices, meditation, prayer, or connecting with nature. It can be seen as a personal development journey and a way of living a life of purpose and meaning. Spirituality is a highly individualistic concept that can have a variety of meanings and forms. For some, it is about finding inner peace and contentment, while for others it is about seeking a connection with the divine. It can also include ethical values, such as compassion, respect, and loving-kindness. Whatever form your spirituality takes, it has the potential to bring more meaning and joy into your life. Spirituality can help us recognize our own potential and encourages us to be kinder to ourselves and others. It can also help us to cultivate a sense of gratitude for the blessings in our lives. Ultimately, spirituality is about creating a deeper understanding of a conscious connection to the supreme divine.

If one person\’s kundalini is fully awakened, what should they do next?

Introduction: Kundalini is a spiritual energy that has been latent in most people for many years. When Kundalini is fully awakened, it can change our lives in profound ways. If one person\’s kundalini is fully awakened, it would be beneficial to him to learn as much as possible about the spiritual realm and how to […]

If one person\’s kundalini is fully awakened, what should they do next? Read More »

What is the process of mind control?

  a)      Get initiated by any Vihangam Yoga – Updeshta (Instructor) for Level-1. b)      Pursue Swamiji’s (Sadgurudeo) newly developed Technique for Meditation which is very simple to understand and easy to practice. c)      Practice regularly as explained by Updeshta, minimum for 10 minutes in the early morning & evening both times. d)      Key to succeed early experiences: – Sadhna to be continued

What is the process of mind control? Read More »