Bhujangasana is a popular yoga pose that is highly beneficial for both the body and mind. This pose can help to improve your balance, flexibility, and strength. However, before you try this pose, it is important to know the benefits and precautions of this pose..

Why This Pose Name is Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose?
Bhujangasana is a back-bending pose that is part of the traditional Surya Namaskar sequence. The name “Bhujangasana” comes from the Sanskrit word bhujang which translates to “cobra/snake” and “asana” meaning “posture/exersice.” Bhujangasanas visually reflects the posture of a cobra like head lifted from earth and all body lie down, therefore it is also known as Cobra Pose.
What are The Benefits of practicing Bhujangasana?
The benefits of practicing Bhujangasana include:
1. Improved balance
When you lift your body in bhujangasana, your hands and shoulders help carry your weight. This asana strengthens the biceps and triceps while making the abdominal muscles stronger.
2. Increased flexibility
Bhujangasana is a yoga pose that opens the shoulder and neck, relieving pain and fortifying stiffness in the lower back. It is also a great opener for the chest, arms, and spine.
3. Improve reproductive system
Cobra pose / Bhujangasana is an ancient asana that helps improve the hormonal system and reproductive function. It has been shown to enhance blood flow to the uterus and ovaries, detoxify the body, and relieve anxiety and stress, which all help strengthen the reproductive system.
4. Menstrual cycles
When practised regularly, the Bhujangasan helps regulate menstrual cycles. It also relieves cramps and pain during periods. Regular practice of the bhujangasan is beneficial for a healthy reproductive system.
5. Improvise asthma problem
Bhujangasana is a Yogic posture that helps to unlock chest congestion, clear the passage of the heart and lungs, and prove therapeutic. It aids in expanding the chest cavity, giving more space for your rib cage to open up.
6. It helps the unlock kundalni chakra
Bhujangasana (Cobra pose) is a yoga pose that can help clear blockages in the energy channels known as chakras. When chakras are open and functioning properly, energy flows freely through the body, soul, and mind. But if you want to learn kundalni awakening princlple you have to learn proper meditation of Vihangam Yoga under divine sadguru.
7. Regulate blood circulation
Bhujangasana (Cobra pose) helps to improve circulation in the blood vessels of the heart and other organs. This is beneficial because it allows more oxygen and nutrients to be delivered to these areas, as well as eliminating waste products.
8. Improve digestion
Bhujangasana is a yoga pose that has been traditionally recognized as a stimulator for gastrointestinal functioning. Regular practice of this pose can help improve absorption of food and digestion.
9. In asthma
The asana may be therapeutic for asthma patients because it helps open the rib cage and expand the chest.

What are The Precautions to be Taken When Practicing Bhujangasana?
There are a few precautions that you should take when practicing Bhujangasana:
- Always practice with caution and under yoga instructor, especially if you are new to the pose.
- While it is generally safe to practice bhujangasana, you should only do so if you are physically fit and healthy. If you have undergone surgery recently or pregnant, it is not advised to perform this asana.
- If you are going to do bhujangasana, it is important to stretch your body beforehand. There are a few simple stretches you can do that will help prepare your body for the pose.
- To do bhujangasana, you need a yoga mat. Since you will be placing your knees and elbows on the ground, having a yoga mat nearby will make the pose easier to complete.
- Bhujangasana should not be practised immediately after a meal. It would be better pactice after 5 to 6 hours.
Step by Step of Bhujangasana
- Lie flat on your back with your chest and stomach touching the ground.
- Raise your torso slowly and place your palms near your chest. This will help you maintain a neutral spine.
- Keep your elbows straight to avoid injury when lifting objects.
- When lifting an object, keep your elbows straight to avoid Injury. Doing so will help you lift the object with less strain on your joints and muscles.
- Raise your entire body, including the head.
- It is important to ensure that your body weight falls evenly on all parts of your body in order to avoid health problems.
- Bend your neck and feel some pressure in your spine. Hold your breath while doing so.
- After 2-3 minutes in the Bhujangasana pose, you can slowly lower your abdomen to the ground, followed by your torso and head.
Bhujangasana is a highly beneficial pose for both the body and mind. Always be aware of the precautions that should be taken when practicing this pose, in order to avoid any injuries.