What is the Difference Between Asana and Pranayama?

Today we will learn what is the difference between Asana and pranayama. Those who are beginners, those who know very little of Yog. We are very confused in the beginning. But slowly when we start gaining knowledge with time all things start getting normal still, our misunderstanding is valid.

I will answer you regarding what is the difference between both Asana means posture Postures, in which you hold our body like someone sits folding his leg and applying a mudra. That position is also called asana.


Sometimes we hold ourselves in some posture say for example Bhujangasana Silently holding that position for some time. That instance in which you would be holding a certain posture without moving. Although you have to move to attain that posture But after attaining that posture you hold for some time.The kriya in which we bend our bodies in different directions. And then hold that position We call that as asana Right?


Now let\’s talk about pranayama. When the entire game is related to our breath. And especially when we voluntarily control our breath. When we fill our breath with control either it may be deep breathing or Anulom-Vilom. Any action which is related to breathe.

We call that as Pranayama I would like you to clear one thing While performing Asana too we ask to inhale and exhale in a particular way. You might wonder why it is not called pranayama See, breathing activity will take place in many things. Those are just breathing activity The difference between breathing and pranayama.

In pranayama, we regulate our mind and breathing. We make them work accordingly. And also try to control. It inhales and exhales according to our will. We focus our mind on our breath, this is pranayama.

And if someone says that while performing some Asana or Exercise, we Inhale and exhale. This can’t be considered as pranayama. This was Asana and Pranayama. Now let me take you through that what all things.

I will be teaching you there are 10 things mainly in our course Apart from these also there are many other things, an ocean of knowledge Please don’t think that now I am telling you 10 thing that means there will only be 10 things in the course Many things will be there, but there will be main 10 things When you will understand this, never in life, you will encounter any confusion.


The first is Yog

You won’t have to ask anyone. The first is Yog, Yog we say superficially Amalgamation of everything. Either it may be meditation or anything else So Yog we say superficially. Now when we subdivide Yog. Some say the do Hatha Yog. Some say they do Ashtanga Yog. Some say they do Raja Yog.

These were subdivision were made by our saints. But when Maharishi Patanjali came. He defined Yog in his own way. That is called Ashtanga Yog. Which I am teaching you In Ashtanga Yog, there are 8 branches. We will keep them aside for now But in that the main things that have to be done when you will go for teaching others though you have to teach everything.


The first among that is Shatkarma. Shatkarma meaning 6 activity. What are those? Like dhoti, like vomiting after drinking water, ingesting water from one nostril, and extracting it from other Jalneti, Sutraneti, Dantdhoti Like these 6 things constitute of Shatkarma Alright?


After this is Asana like if I say do Mandook Asan Or do Halasan Or do Sirshasan 0r Vriksasana Or Tadasana. So later I will explain to you all the asanas But for now, understand that these are Asana.

Next will be pranayama There are main 10-15 Pranayam which we perform. Many ask if kapalbhati is pranayama then what is anulom vilom Both are pranayama. We are controlling our breath in both of them. So they are pranayama.

Suksham Vyam (light exercise)

The next comes is Suksham Vyam (light exercise). They are neither asana nor pranayama. In that, we move our bodies In any way. Move your legs Move your neck There are called suksham vyam (light exercises). It’s a level less than asan Focusing on a particular body part and move it in any form.

Sukshma means small or light If you move your entire body like running etc That will be considered as General Vyam (exercise) Like standing up we do some exercise like running or jogging but these are Suksham Vyam.


Gestures are called mudras

They are small and light focusing on a particular body part Apart from this, there are mudras that we apply using our fingers. I will teach you that too These gestures are called mudras. We form many shapes with hand Also if we concentrate on the center of our forehead. It will also be considered as Mudra Roll your tongue inside will also become mudra.

These are various types of mudras Summing up all these become Yog Sometimes we perform certain pranayama. We ask to do the certain mudra along with the pranayama. So pranayama and mudra get connected So you mix all of them together.


Then there are Kriyas. Kriya, for example, making the movement of the stomach like Nauli kriya Making stomach movement while sitting like Agni Sara Kriya, these are called Kriyas In this, you are neither twisting your body Nor you are controlling your breath. Only focusing on a particular part like the stomach And moving it from within will amount to kriya.

Kumbhaka and Bandh

Then there are Bandh In which we ask to hold the breath here Pulling the anus. These are all Bandh There are main 5-6 bandhs. I will teach you those things too. Then comes Kumbhaka. It comes under pranayama Kumbakh means holding your breath either in asana or pranayama That becomes Kumbakh.



Then next comes Dhayan (meditation). Meditation is a tool or way to connect with yourself in a subtle level of mind. Meditation will help to deep dive into your subconscious mind. I do Vihangam Yoga Mediation you can. So total there are 12 things Once again I am repeating it

1. Shatkarma

2. Asan

3. Suksham Vyam

4. Pranayama

5. Mudras

6. Kriya

7. Bandh

8. Kumbakh

9. Breathing Kriya

10. Dhayan (Meditation)

These are 10 things so a total of 10 main things. Now you may say kapalbhati asana Or some say he performs anulom vilom asana. From now on never say this If somebody says then explain to them. If you feel that the person should have the right knowledge, so these are not asana. These are pranayama.

Asanas are those we perform in different postures. Some asana, we do fast Then we say it as Gatimay(Movement) Asana Means fast That’s it So these all things I had to explain to you one by one. Now from tomorrow, I will start breathing You have to get ready for breathing.


Do light massage to your body. Wake up early morning go to the toilet, take a bath and do you ritual according to your religion and start body warmup then Yogasana, and at the end of Pranayama.

I hope you like this article, If you like kindly share it with your circle, who has relay need to understand the differences between Asana and Pranayama.

Author – Chandrakant Nirbhay

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