Do we know how semen is important?

Semen is a very valuable metal of the body. The process of semen from food is very long. Ancient Ayurveda Scholar Acharya Sushruta wrote that the food that is digested in the first juice. Then blood is formed by digestion that juice for 5 days meal. After 5 days, the tissue formed from the blood is made from the difference of five to five days, then tissue help to form the bone, from the bone, and finally from the bone marrow. The metal that is made in it is called daily, thus it takes about 40 to 45 days to produce semen.

Now I am going to tell you that until adolescence, sperm does not form in Venus. Its initial is only between 11 and 13 years and from 17 to 18 its process accelerates. Sperm coming out of the testicle can remain sour in its upper part for about 1 month and become sour. As far as the whole process of sperm formation is concerned, it takes about 72 days. That is, sperm start forming from adolescence and continue to be formed throughout life. In our brain\’s pituitary gland SSH hormones and secretions from the testes, Textron, hormones, etc. have an important role in the creation of sperm. Therefore, the lack of this hormone does not produce sperm.

The problem of impotence is seen in most men these days, which is the wrong habit of nutritious elements in irregular eating habits, smoking which causes this problem due to a complex disease to remain in the body for many days, diabetes-like obesity, problem, etc. Is generated. To get rid of this problem, people use a variety of medicines which at times prove harmful to them. Therefore here some home remedies which are helpful in removing these problems from you and will also be helpful in making your body strong.


Medicines are not enough to make your generation healthy. Some rules have to be followed.

Some habits have to be changed.

  1. The first thing to make me healthy would be to stop the masturbation perfection.
  2. Thinking positive and meditation should also be done.
  3. Surya Namaskar is the most important dimension, especially in such a problem that keep your thoughts pure and pure.
  4. Otherwise, one goes to sleep, read a good book at night and should practice.
  5. Ashwini mudra every day for a while, which can be done sitting somewhere.
  6. Tea, coffee, cold drinks and alcohol should stop drinking as these warm-natured senders make me thin.
  7. Spicy food should not be eaten.
  8. Fast food should not be eaten at all.
  9. Remove stress from your mind.
  10. One should sleep at night and wake up early in the morning.
  11. Now let\’s talk about some very useful ayurvedic remedies.

Let\’s talk about some very useful Ayurvedic lifestyles

  1. Eat desi cow\’s milk and eat urad dal kheer in cow\’s milk and eat it. This is a very effective remedy, you can also eat milk and rice pudding.
  2. Cow\’s butter is fine, eats almonds and raisins.
  3. Eat soaked whole grains. Every morning mixed with desi jaggery in ghee, we get food.
  4. Eat raw green vegetables.
  5. Eat plenty of sweet fruits. Never eat an empty stomach.
  6. You can come after such a meal, soaking a spoonful of basil seeds in water and consuming it with cow\’s milk in the evening, reinforces semen.
  7. Eat Indian gooseberry and make a chamanprash of amla, consume sweets made from milk in small quantities.
  8. Eating multigrain bread can be consumed with Ashwagandha and Musli prescribed by a specialist.
  9. Consume a small amount of saffron cardamom with milk, mixing one teaspoon of honey in the juice of an onion juice and one teaspoon of hot water finally drink the mixture
  10. Take Ashwagandha powder with two grams of milk in the morning and evening or you can take Dhatu Pustik Powder for 2 months prescribed by specialist. In this two month have to regular exercise.
  11. 6 grams of ashwagandha powder. Mix the same amount of mishri and honey, add 10 grams of cow\’s ghee to it. Taking 2 or 4 grams of this mixture in the morning and evening in the winter for 4 months nourishes the body and increases the semen before use needs to take advice from specialists.
  12. Keep a fixed time of sleeping, eating and wakeup every day.

I hope you will get benefited from this article, I will try to write a more informative blog regarding a healthy lifestyle, if you like you can share this article to motivate me for the next new subject. If you are able then you can support me on Patreon. Thanks to read and your kind support. Much Love!

Author:- Nirbhay Kumar

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