Today we’ll understand some diet plans for weight loss. What we should do to reduce our weight quickly? At times when people go for any treatment or operation then the doctors suggest to first reduce the weight. As doctors ask patients age 40-50 years to first reduce the weight then only their knees can be treated. When they go to a doctor to get the medicine of breathlessness, the doctor asks them to reduce weight. For the cure of diabetes also, the doctor asks to reduce the weight. Such people become very upset thinking that they don’t eat much even then their weight is increasing. Sometimes, some girls, who are in the age of getting married put on a lot of weight because of the negligence of their bodies. Then their parents worry about them in the age of marriage. They ask for a remedy so that their daughter’s body again gets in shape, as people would take an interest in her when at least her body would look healthy.

Some people say, “I’ve already tried dieting.” “I went to many dieticians & tried many nutritious food & supplements. But I don’t reduce weight” Sometimes it decreases by 5-7 Kgs initially, then it stops reducing further.
It works for a balanced diet & also if you want to reduce just a few Kgs but please understand that if your health is in a chronic condition e.g. and your doctor has suggested reducing 20-30 Kg weight at any cost i.e. many people told me that they are doing Yoga even then there is no outcome. They are in dilemma & ask for guidance to come out of this problem.
Let me tell you one thing I take responsibility for my words.
If you understand the diet plan that I’m sharing in this blog, then you’ll not have any problem & your weight will definitely reduce. Many people are allergic to vegetables like brinjal etc or even milk. Some people even can’t take milk products so what can they eat. This is helpful for Asthma & diabetes Patients also.

But especially those people, who are extremely overweight & stuffed with fat, and this fat actually working as the food for their body, this plan is very beneficial for them.
Let me give you details of this plan.
1. First of all in the moring, just after waking, you need to drink 1 glass of water before mouthwash.
2. After this, walk for 1-2 minutes & drink 1-2 glasses of water again and go to the toilet.
3. Then the first thing that you need to take as refreshment is Bottle gourd juice. Add 1 spoon of Wheatgrass powder or juice to it.
4. So, you need to drink one cup Bottle gourd juice adding wheatgrass powder till 7 days.
5. Then for next 7 days, add Ashwagandha juice or leaves to it.
6. For the next 7 days, mix juices of Cucumber, Bitter gourd, Tomato & Beetroot to it. If you are not diabetic then sometimes you can skip cucumber, bitter gourd & tomato juice.
7. Seven days- Wheatgrass THEN 7 days- Ashwagandha, than 7 days- Beetroot. So in this way, only bottle gourd juice shouldn’t be consumed. Add Gooseberry, Holy basil, Black pepper & fresh turmeric to it.
8. You can also add 2-3 spoons of onion juice if your hair falls or you have cough cold, allergy, asthma, or arthritis After 40 minutes of having it, Sprinkle some lemon on the papaya, or you can take sprouts. Till your lunchtime drink lemon water 1-2 times. Then during lunch, you need to make a salad.
9. You can add some one spoon ginger juice to it.
10. Also, keep taking coconut water so that you don’t feel weakness and body’s requirement of water & some salts can be completed.
11. For some days, you have Porridge & gram flour ‘chilla’ (salted pancake). Add lemon to it but don’t add salt.
12. There are many other things that can be added to your salad. Sprouts can be added or sometimes fruits like apple or pomegranate can be added. So, when you take gram flour ‘chilla’ (Pancake) in the breakfast then take fruits in lunch, adding sprouts to it.
13. Only 2-4 times a week is possible Because when you soak Mung bean, it requires 8 hours soaking, then further 2 days for sprouting.
14. That means you can take sprouts in the gap of 1-2 days. Sprout will give you strength & you’ll not feel weakness.
15. When you eat fruits in breakfast and you feel like eating something heavy then sometimes you can take soup of mung lentils with the skin but not whole mung beans. And sometimes you can take multigrain porridge in the afternoon. Please remember you need to keep the grains intake to a minimum. Maximum times take fruits, sprouts and salad only.
16. If you feel like having something sweet then make lemonade adding stevia to it. If you feel like having anything in the evening then eat fruits like java plum, plums, or Canary melon. In the evening you must drink hot water in small quantities repeatedly. If you feel hungry in the evening then you can make soup of pumpkin or apple gourd or even make its curry.
17. In dinner, you can take Mung lentils soup if you haven’t taken it in lunch.
18. If you have eaten fruits in the evening instead of soup then at night, make mix vegetables adding bottle gourd, apple gourd, pointed gourd & tomato etc.
19. Such curry can be taken in dinner sometimes.
20. In this diet plan no milk, curd or clarified butter is included.
This diet plan is to be followed for 30-40 days.

After that, follow our diet plan i.e. In that you’d have milk & curd also. Follow that for a few days than return to this plan again. This way, it will reduce 15-20 kgs of weight, if done along with Yoga.

If sometimes you feel very hungry then you can take Besan chilla (Gramflour Pancake) in breakfast. When you take besan chilla (Gramflour Pancake), skip fruits. You can take multigrain Broken wheat very rarely.
This diet plan is called “Tapsa Ahaar’, which means this is a type of ‘Tap’ (restrain yourself from something) which is easy for everyone to follow.
In place of papaya & watermelon, very rarely you can eat apple or 1-2 fists of pomegranate also. you can also sometimes take Guava, pear or plum as this fruit will not increase your weight. After 1-1.5 hours of eating fruits, drink 1-2 glasses of water.
Now, this diet plan is easy for everyone, even you can printout and hang on the wall for strict follow. If someone stands on this diet plan with yoga or exercise they can reduce their weight. I hope this articale will help you lots. Your comment and feedback is very important to me. You can ask and suggest to me for the next article. Thank to read, Much Love!