On the 17th and 18th of December 2023, we have scheduled a significant event called the 25000 kundiye Swarved Gyan Mhayajna. This event holds great importance as it coincides with the 100-year milestone of Vihangam Yoga and the official opening of the Swarved Mahamandir Dham, a cherished cultural heritage site in India. Havan is a traditional fire ritual that holds significant spiritual and cultural importance. This sacred ceremony involves the offering of oblations to the divine beings by Sadgurudeo 25000 kund fires. In this blog post, we will delve into the details of this ancient ritual, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of its purpose, significance, and step-by-step instructions.

यज्ञो वै श्रेष्ठतमम् कर्म ।
‘Yajno vai shreshthamam karma’ – Yajna is considered to be the most superior form of action. It is believed that every best action in the world is, in fact, a form of Yajna.
1. What is the 25000 kundiye havan?
The 25000 Kundiye Swarved Gyan Mhayajna, a significant event, will take place on the 17th and 18th of December 2023. This event is being organized to honor the 100-year anniversary of Vihangam Yoga and to mark the inauguration of Swarved Mahamandir Dham, a cultural heritage site in India.
– The meaning and origin of the havan – “यज्ञोत्पत्ति”
The Yajna, or fire sacrifice, is deeply rooted in Vedic culture. During the Vedic age, our ancestors and sages followed a systematic approach to decision-making and acceptance, drawing from their experiential knowledge gained through spiritual practices. They developed a scientific method for accomplishing tasks based on their spiritual experiences. The guidance they provided was determined by the type of inquiry they received. If someone sought to attain the Supreme Being, they would offer teachings on Brahmavidya, the knowledge of the Absolute. Alternatively, if someone approached with worldly desires, they would advise them to perform Vedic Yajnas to fulfill those desires. Therefore, Yajna Vidya, the science of Yajnas, is the essence of Indian culture and Vedic Dharma.
The ancient sages and seers were scientific individuals who achieved a state of spiritual absorption known as Samadhi. They discovered a scientific method called “Havan Yajna” or “Agnihotra” through their direct experiential knowledge. This method, while being scientific in nature, was closely connected to spirituality. It was made mandatory due to its association with Dharma.
The Vedic scriptures provide a detailed account of sixteen rituals known as “Sanskars” that are performed throughout a person’s life, starting from birth until the time of leaving the physical body. Each of these rituals incorporates the Havan Yajna as a significant component. Additionally, there are various auspicious activities that we commence in our lives, which are carried out through the Havan Yajna and prayer to the Lord. The tradition of Yajna has a rich and ancient history. In the ashrams (hermitages) of sages, it was mandatory to perform the Agnihotra, a daily fire ritual, during both morning and evening times. The references to Yajnas can be traced back to our ancient Vedas.
The significance of Yajna, Vedic culture, and the spiritual practices of the ancient sages and seers is highlighted in this text. Yajnas were regarded as essential in everyday life and served as a method to fulfill both material and spiritual aspirations.
The ritual holds a profound significance for those who partake in it, as it is deeply rooted in ancient traditions and beliefs. Its origin can be traced back to centuries ago when our ancestors sought to establish a connection with the divine. Through intricate and meticulously planned ceremonies, they sought to appease the gods and ensure the well-being of their community. The meaning behind the ritual is multi-faceted, encompassing elements of spirituality, communal harmony, and personal growth.
It serves as a powerful symbol of unity, as individuals come together to partake in the sacred rites. The ritual has evolved over time, adapting to the changing needs and beliefs of different cultures. Despite its variations, the core essence remains the same – to honor the past, connect with the present, and pave the way for a better future. Understanding the meaning and origin of the ritual allows us to appreciate its significance and carry on the legacy for generations to come.
“यज् देवपूजासंगतिकरणदानेषु”
The term “Yajna” originates from the Sanskrit root “Yaj,” which has three main meanings: Devapuja (worshipping deities), Sangatikarana (promoting harmony), and Dana (giving charity).

2. Preparation for the 25000 Kund Swarved Gyan Mahayajna
Preparation for the 25000 Kund Swarved Gyan Mahayajna Havan is a meticulous process that involves careful planning and attention to detail. Before the ritual takes place, several key steps need to be followed to ensure its success. Firstly, the organizers must gather all the necessary materials and resources required for the havan. This includes arranging the kund fires, which are traditionally arranged in a specific pattern.
Additionally, various offerings such as ghee (clarified butter), rice, herbs, and wood are needed to facilitate the oblations that will be offered during the ceremony. Next, the participants need to cleanse themselves physically and mentally by taking a bath and wearing clean clothes. This purification process helps create an atmosphere of purity and reverence.
Furthermore, it is essential to establish a conducive environment for the havan by setting up an altar or sacred space where all the necessary items can be placed. Finally, everyone involved in the havan should familiarize themselves with the specific mantras or chants that will be recited during the Swarved Gyan Mahayajna. This ensures that everyone is aligned in their intentions and can actively participate in invoking divine blessings.
In conclusion, The 25000 Kund Swarved Gyan Mahayajna Havan is not just a mere fire ritual but holds significant spiritual and cultural importance. Its origin can be traced back centuries ago when our ancestors sought to establish a connection with the divine through intricate ceremonies. The havan serves as a powerful symbol of unity as individuals come together to partake in the sacred rites. It has evolved over time, adapting to changing needs and beliefs while retaining its core essence – honoring the past, connecting with the present, and paving way for a better future.
Through this ancient practice, individuals can experience profound spiritual benefits such as inner peace, manifestation of desires, and spiritual purification. Furthermore, preparation for this grand event requires meticulous planning and attention to detail including gathering necessary materials, cleansing oneself physically and mentally while establishing a conducive environment for the ritual. By understanding the meaning, origin, and intentions behind the 25000 Kund Swarved Gyan Mahayajna, we can appreciate its significance and carry on the legacy for generations to come.
– Gathering the necessary materials and ingredients
Havan Samagri is a unique blend of natural elements that are utilized in Hindu fire rituals, specifically during havans or homa. It is made up of a mixture of diverse herbs, roots, leaves, medicinal plants, aromatic woods, flowers, and other holy materials that are renowned for their cleansing and sanctifying qualities. The exact makeup of Havan Samagri may differ depending on regional customs and the intended objective of the ritual.
The Samagri (ingredients) contains a wide range of valuable ingredients, such as rare and exotic Ayurvedic Herbs of exceptional quality, Black Til, Dhoop powders, Kapoor, Rose Petals, Sandalwood Powder, Lobaan, Ghee, Chandan, Nagkesar, Nagarmotha, Lotus Seeds, Jata Masi, Kapoor Kachri, Satavari, and Tumeric.
Purification and cleansing aspects are fundamental across various spiritual practices worldwide. These rituals aim to create purity and harmony within oneself by removing impurities or negative energies hindering spiritual growth. Different cultures employ unique methods such as ritualistic bathing or burning sacred herbs/incense for purification purposes.
3. Step-by-step instructions for performing the 25000 Kund Swarved Gyan Mahayajna
– Chanting mantra and offering oblations
To perform the 25000 Kund Swarved Gyan Mahayajna, participants must follow a step-by-step process that involves chanting mantras and offering oblations. The ceremony begins with the lighting of the sacred fire pit, known as the havan kund. This is done by igniting wood and kindling it until flames emerge, symbolizing the presence of divine energy under Sadgurudeo. As the fire burns, participants gather around the kund and recite specific mantras to invoke blessings from higher realms.
Throughout the ritual, various oblations are offered into the fire as a way to connect with spiritual forces. These offerings include ghee, rice, herbs, and other sacred materials. Each offering carries symbolic meaning and represents a different aspect of devotion or gratitude.
As the 100 years Vihangam Yoga ceremony progresses, participants continue to chant mantras in unison, creating an atmosphere filled with positive vibrations. The rhythmic repetition of these sacred sounds helps focus the mind and elevate consciousness. It is through this collective effort that individuals can experience profound spiritual benefits such as inner peace and purification.
In conclusion, performing the 25000 Kund Swarved Gyan Mahayajna requires careful adherence to specific rituals and practices. By following these steps and actively participating in chanting mantras and offering oblations, individuals can engage in a transformative experience that connects them to their spiritual selves and fosters a sense of well-being.
– Proper behavior and focus during the ritual
Proper behavior and focus during the ritual are essential to fully engage in the transformative experience of the 25000 Kund Swarved Gyan Mahayajna. Participants must approach this sacred ceremony with reverence and respect, recognizing the significance it holds in connecting with the divine. It is important to maintain a calm and focused mindset throughout the entire process, allowing oneself to be fully present in the moment.
During the chanting of mantras and offering of oblations, individuals should immerse themselves in the sacred sounds and rituals, letting go of any distractions or worries. By doing so, they can open themselves up to receive blessings and spiritual guidance from higher realms.
– Etiquette and guidelines for participants
Etiquette and guidelines for participants in the 25000 Kund Swarved Gyan Mahayajna are crucial to ensure a harmonious and meaningful experience. Firstly, it is important to arrive at the designated venue with ample time to prepare oneself mentally and spiritually. This may involve practicing meditation or engaging in calming activities beforehand, allowing for a state of tranquility to be achieved.
Once the havan begins, participants should adhere to the instructions given by the facilitators and follow the prescribed order of rituals. This includes maintaining proper posture, refraining from talking unnecessarily, and avoiding any disruptive behavior that may detract from the sanctity of the event.
Active participation is key, with individuals encouraged to join in chanting mantras and offering oblations with sincerity and devotion. It is essential to listen attentively to the words being recited and understand their significance, as this adds depth and meaning to one’s personal experience.
Lastly, it is important to approach this sacred ceremony with an open heart and mind, embracing the opportunity for self-reflection, healing, and spiritual growth. By respecting the etiquette and guidelines set forth, participants can fully immerse themselves in this transformative journey towards inner peace and enlightenment.
4. Benefits and significance of participating in the 25000 kundiye havan
– Spiritual growth and connection with the divine
Participating in the 25000 Kund Swarved Gyan Mahayajna offers numerous benefits and holds great significance for individuals seeking spiritual growth and connection with the divine. Through the act of chanting mantras and offering oblations, participants engage in a powerful transformative experience that allows them to tap into higher realms of consciousness.
By actively participating in the rituals and practices of the mahayajna, individuals can cultivate a deep sense of inner peace and purification. The rhythmic repetition of sacred sounds creates an atmosphere filled with positive vibrations, helping to focus the mind and elevate one’s level of awareness. This heightened state of consciousness allows individuals to connect more deeply with their spiritual selves, fostering a sense of well-being and harmony.
Furthermore, the 25000 Kund Swarved Gyan Mahayajna serves as a means of seeking blessings from higher realms. By offering various oblations into the sacred fire, participants express their devotion and gratitude, inviting divine guidance and assistance on their spiritual journey.
Overall, participating in this 25000 Kund Swarved Gyan Mahayajna not only provides an opportunity for self-reflection and healing but also facilitates personal growth and transformation. It is through active engagement in these rituals that individuals can experience profound connections with the divine, leading to a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment in life.
– Removal of negative energies and obstacles
Participating in the 25000 Kund Swarved Gyan Mahayajna also offers the benefit of removing negative energies and overcoming obstacles. The power of the sacred fire and the energy generated during the chanting and oblation process help to cleanse and purify not only the participants but also the environment.
Negative energies, whether internal or external, can hinder spiritual growth and create obstacles on one’s path. By actively engaging in this transformative experience, individuals can release these negative energies and invite positive vibrations into their lives. The sacred fire acts as a powerful purifier, burning away impurities and negativity, leaving behind a sense of lightness and clarity.
Additionally, through the collective participation of many individuals in this mahayajna, a synergistic effect is created. This collective energy amplifies the removal of negative energies and obstacles, making it even more effective in bringing about positive changes.
By embracing this opportunity to participate in the 25000 Kund Swarved Gyan Mahayajna, individuals can experience a profound shift in their spiritual journey. Through proper behavior, adherence to guidelines, active participation, and an open heart and mind, they can tap into higher realms of consciousness, foster spiritual growth and connection with the divine, remove negative energies, and overcome obstacles on their path towards self-realization by the bless of Sadgurudeo.
5. Scientific aspect of Swarved Gyan Mahayajna
” अग्निमीळे पुरोहितं य॒ज्ञस्य देवमृत्विजम् ।
होतारं रत्नधातमम् ।। “
The Rigveda’s first mantra, “Agnimide Purohitam,” starts with the term “Yajna.” In our modern era, characterized by scientific and rational thinking, we evaluate everything based on scientific and rational principles. Yajna is not exempt from this scrutiny. Our ancestors, the Rishis and Maharishis, were not focused on material possessions; they were inclined towards spirituality and subtle understanding. They recognized that the subtle holds greater importance than the gross, and that the gross is reliant on the subtle.
The progress of the gross is intricately linked to the subtle. By means of Yajna, the offerings such as clarified butter (ghee) and herbs undergo a transformation from grossness to subtleness, thereby amplifying their importance. According to the Vedas, nothing utilized in Yajna goes to waste; instead, its value is increased. This transformation is acknowledged by science, thus Yajna should not be perceived as an anomaly.
The text emphasizes the importance of Yajnas in different ages and the different types of Yajnas that have been performed. It also underscores the scientific and philosophical aspects of Yajna.
“या ते धामानि पर॒माणि॒ याव॒मा या माध्यमा विश्वकर्मन्नुतेमा शिक्षा ।
सखिभ्यो ह॒विषि स्वधावः स्वयं यजस्व तन्वं वृधा॒नः ।।”
Evidence supporting this can be found in the Yajur Veda (17/21). According to this ancient text, offerings made during Yajna undergo a transformation, turning into a subtle form that spreads throughout the atmosphere. By offering ghee and herbs in the sacred fire, their properties and effects become amplified and multiplied in the surrounding environment. This means that if you were to consume a dried red chili, only you would personally experience its spiciness.
When you add chili to a fire, its burning sensation spreads in the air, affecting multiple people nearby. It can make them cough and cause their eyes to water. The spiciness of the chili may not be felt by the person sitting next to you during a shared meal. However, once it is exposed to the fire, its effects become more pronounced and impactful. This is the transformative power of Yajna, where anything offered is not wasted but rather becomes more valuable.
6. Science of Mantra
” मन्यते – ज्ञायते ईश्वरादेशः अनेन इति मन्त्रः “
A mantra refers to the understanding of divine instructions through particular sentences and words. These sentences and words are used to invoke, praise, worship, or honor a specific deity accurately.
” मन्यते – सत्क्रियते देवता विशेषो येन स मन्त्र: “
The reason behind chanting mantras and making offerings in Yajna is often questioned. The pronunciation of ‘Om’ holds great significance as it represents the all-encompassing and supreme sound. ‘Om’ can also be interpreted as a symbol of salvation. Chanting ‘Om’ is a way of requesting protection from any harm.
ॐ’ परमात्माका सर्वग्राह्य
The Vedas acknowledge the process of transforming subtle energies into tangible forms. Yajna helps in elevating the subtle powers of the divine beings and deities mentioned in Vedic mantras. Through Yajna, we are able to draw strength from these divine energies, leading to both physical and spiritual progress. This approach is based on the wisdom of the Rishis and follows a scientific methodology.
Vedic mantras, recited during Yajnas, possess great power as they encompass the divine energies of various deities and divine beings. By harnessing these subtle powers, Yajna aims to improve our material prosperity. This viewpoint highlights the scientific and logical comprehension of the practice, showcasing the wisdom of the ancient Rishis.
‘सु आह इति वा!’
Yajnas are performed with the purpose of fulfilling our desires and attaining the desired outcomes. When we pronounce ‘Swaha’, it symbolizes our dedication to acts of kindness, as we selflessly devote ourselves to promoting the well-being of others, without any personal attachment.
इदं न मम्
The act of saying ‘Idam Namam’ during this process is significant as it symbolizes renunciation. In today’s era, which is marked by selfishness, the message of ‘Tyaga’ (renunciation) is conveyed to the world through Yajna, which is considered the life force of Indian culture.
– O Agnideva! We offer our gratitude to you through offerings. This helps us attain prosperity, welfare, and enhancement in our lives.
7. Human Issues and Yajna Science:
During Yajnas, the materials used transform into subtle atomic forms when they are offered in the sacred fire. When individuals come into contact with these atomic particles through their nasal passage, mouth, and skin, they interact with various body parts and produce positive effects. Specifically, these subtle atomic particles help purify the blood in the lungs. Through the Yajna process, the negative charges within these particles attract moisture from the air, eventually leading to the formation of clouds. This has a beneficial impact, particularly during the rainy season.
” अव रूद्रमदीम॒यव दे॒वं त्र्यम्बकम्।
यथा नो वस्यसस्कर॒घथा नः श्रेयसस्कर॒घथा नो व्यवसाययात् ।। ”
Ghee, when poured into the Yajna fire, has the ability to reduce the harmful effects of atomic radiation. The survival and development of our environment and its plant and animal life are of utmost importance. The global issue of environmental pollution has become a significant concern. In response to this, Vedic Yajnas have been recognized as an effective method for purifying the environment.
8. Why is the 25000 Swarved Gyan Mahayajna performed?
– Spiritual benefits and intentions behind the havan
The spiritual benefits and intentions behind the havan are multifaceted and profound. Through the havan, individuals are able to connect with their inner selves and the divine energy that surrounds them. This connection allows for a deep sense of peace and tranquility to wash over the participants, as they release any negative energies or emotions that may be weighing them down. The havan also serves as a powerful tool for manifestation and intention setting.
By performing specific actions and reciting mantra words or chants, individuals are able to focus their energy and intentions towards their desired outcomes. This clarity of purpose helps to align their thoughts and actions with their true desires, ultimately leading to a greater sense of fulfillment and success. Additionally, the havan can act as a form of spiritual purification, cleansing the mind, body, and soul of any impurities or blockages that may be hindering their spiritual growth. Overall, the spiritual benefits and intentions behind the ritual are transformative and can greatly enhance one’s connection to the divine.
“देव यज्ञो भूत यज्ञः पितृयज्ञस्तथैव च ।
नृ यज्ञो ब्रह्मयज्ञश्च पञ्च यज्ञाः प्रकीर्तिताः ।।”
Yajnas are classified into the following categories:
- Deva Yajna or Agnihotra: Deva Yajna or Agnihotra is a sacred ritual performed with utmost devotion to purify the elements of water and air by making offerings into the fire, following specific methods and reciting mantras.
- Pitri Yajna: Pitri Yajna is a practice that entails the worship and service of one’s parents, gurus, and elders. It involves expressing reverence towards them.
- Bhuta Yajna: Bhuta Yajna refers to the act of acknowledging the Divine presence in every living being and serving them as a reflection of the Supreme Being.
- Atithi Yajna: The act of welcoming and serving guests who visit your home is commonly known as Atithi Yajna.
– Purification and cleansing aspects
Purification and cleansing aspects are fundamental elements in various spiritual and religious practices worldwide. These practices aim to cleanse the mind, body, and spirit, creating a sense of purity and harmony. Different cultures have their own unique methods of purification, ranging from ritualistic bathing to burning sacred herbs or incense.
For instance, in Hinduism, the ritual of bathing in the holy river Ganges is believed to wash away sins and provide spiritual purification. Similarly, in Buddhism, monks and practitioners engage in meditation and mindfulness practices to purify their minds and achieve inner peace. Cleansing rituals are also prevalent in Native American cultures, where smudging with sage or other herbs is performed to rid negative energies and create positive vibrations.
Whether it’s through water, fire, or sacred plants, purification and cleansing rituals play a vital role in connecting individuals to their spiritual selves and fostering a sense of well-being.
– Social unity to spread the mutual love
Yajna promotes a sense of unity and mutual love within society. It provides guidance on respecting our elders, interacting with peers, and showing affection to younger individuals. Yajna serves as an inspiration to practice selflessness and foster cooperation.

Yajna plays a crucial role in the suppression of negative emotions such as anger, agitation, anxiety, and selfishness. By promoting inner peace and patience, it aids individuals in navigating through challenging times.
Yajna is a practice that promotes selflessness and service to others. It also encourages social unity and a collaborative spirit. Numerous organizations, both in India and overseas, are conducting research on the science of Yajna.
9. The mega event of the 25000 Kund Swarved Gyan Mahayajna will be conducted at a specific location.
The largest centre of Vihangam Yoga is being constructed under the name of Swarved Mahamandir. Based in Varanasi, Umraha, this colossal structure is to be completed as the most spiritually significant abode of this non-profit organisation. The Swarved Mahamandir is the physical representation of none other than the the unmatched Spiritual Treatise Swarved, authored by Sadguru Sadafaldeoji Maharaj, Vihangam Yoga’s greatly revered founder and spiritual leader.
Umaraha, Mudli, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, 221112 (India)
Toll Free Number – +918586808820
The 25000 kundiye Swarved Gyan Mahayajna is a significant event that aligns with the 100-year anniversary (Shatabdi Samarambh Mahotsav) of Vihangam Yoga and the official inauguration of the Swarved Mahamandir Dham. Its aim is to seek blessings, purification, and spiritual development. By carefully following the detailed instructions and observing proper etiquette, individuals can experience the profound impact of this age-old ritual. Engaging in the 25000 kundiye havan provides an opportunity to establish a connection with the divine, eliminate negativity, and create a path towards a life filled with harmony and prosperity.