12 Facts About The Health Risks Of Smoking Cigarettes – Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. It\’s also one of the most addictive behaviors. In this post, you\’ll learn about the health risks of smoking cigarettes.
Fact no. 1 – Damage immune system
There are three ways that smoking can reduce your immunity to infection. Firstly, smoking cigarettes can increase your levels of cotinine, a by-product of nicotine that is known to suppress the immune system. Secondly, smokers are more likely than non-smokers to have respiratory infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia. Finally, smoking can damage the cells in the respiratory tract which make them less able to fight off infections. All these factors mean that smokers are at greater risk of getting serious infections, including tuberculosis (TB).
Fact no. 2 – Infertility
Both men and women who smoke are more likely to experience short and long-term fertility issues than people who do not smoke.
Fact no. 3 – Diabetes complications
Smoking increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes because it makes the body\’s insulin resistance worse. If you have diabetes and continue doing smoke, you are also at a higher risk for other complications, such as kidney problems, eye problems, and heart attack.
Fact no. 4 – Problems with pregnancy and newborns
Smoking during pregnancy can increase your child\’s risk for health problems, including miscarriage. And also asthma, ear infections, and death in their newborns. It also puts the baby at risk for oxygen deprivation, growth problems, physical deformities, and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
Fact no. 5 – Wrinkly skin
Cigarette smoke contains substances that can skin also gets less nutrition when your blood flow is reduced.
1. Smoking cigarettes can cause dry skin, which can lead to wrinkles and premature aging.
2. Smoking cigarettes also reduces blood flow, which can decrease the number of nutrients your skin gets. This can lead to skin problems like eczema and psoriasis.
Fact no. 6 – Blood clotting
Smoking can increase clotting throughout your body. Blood clots increase the risk of heart damage, stroke, and pulmonary embolism (blood in the lungs).
Fact no. 7 – Cancer connection
Smoking-related cancers can occur anywhere in the body. People who smoke have a higher rate of certain cancers, including cancer of the mouth, throat, bladder, and kidneys.
Fact no. 8 – Dull sense of smell and taste
Your sense of smell and taste can be dulled by smoking, which can decrease your appetite. This can lead to weight gain and other health problems.
Fact no. 9 – Gum disease
Smoking increases the risk of gum disease, which is a serious dental problem. The plaque that accumulates on your teeth from smoking can cause gingivitis or inflammation of the gums. This condition can lead to tooth loss and other health problems.
Fact no. 10 – Early death
Smoking is one of the leading causes of early death in adults in the United States.
Fact no. 11 – Lung cancer
Smoking is the most common cause of death from lung cancer. According to the CDC its also the most common cause of cancer death in both men and women.
Fact no. 12 – Anxiety and irritability
If you don\’t smoke cigarettes, you might experience some of the negative symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. These symptoms can include anxiety and irritability.
How Can I Quit Smoking?

Quitting smoking is hard, but it\’s possible. There are many ways to help you quit smoking, and most people find success by using a combination of methods.
1. Talk to your Ayurvedacharya or other health care provider about quitting smoking. They can provide information and support for quitting smoking. Start Yoga and Meditation regularly.
2. Use a stop-smoking medication if it works for you and helps you stay tobacco-free. Stopping tobacco use on your own can be difficult, but using the medication can make quitting easier. Be sure to talk with your doctor about the risks and benefits of different medications before taking them to quit smoking.
3. Join a support group for smokers or smoke-free advocates who can give you advice and encouragement.
What are Some Tips for Quitting Smoking?
There are a few things that you can do to help you quit smoking. The most important thing is to find support. Talking to someone who has quit smoking can be very helpful. You may also want to try nicotine replacement therapy (NRT). NRT helps people to stop smoking by satisfying their cravings for cigarettes and providing them with the nicotine they need to break the addiction.
There are a number of different types of NRT available, so it is important to find one that is right for you. Another way to help you quit smoking is to avoid places where cigarettes are usually smoked. This means avoiding places like bars and restaurants. If you have difficulty quitting, it may be helpful to talk with a doctor about medications that can help ease the transition into quitting smoking.
Can Meditation and Yoga Help to Quit Smoking?
There is some evidence that meditation can help people to quit smoking. One study found that smokers who practiced Vihagnam Yoga meditation were more likely to successfully quit smoking than smokers who did not practice meditation.
Another study found that smokers who practiced yoga were less likely to relapse after quitting smoking than smokers who did not practice yoga. Mindfulness meditation involves paying attention to your present moment experience and may be helpful in helping you to quit smoking because it teaches you how to focus on the present instead of cigarettes or other thoughts.
1. Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death across the world.
2. Cigarette smoking causes over 480,000 deaths each year across the world.
3. Each cigarette smoker risks about 15 years of life expectancy – if smoking is continued for a lifetime.
4. A pack-a-day smoker can expect to live about 10 fewer years than a nonsmoker.
5. Smokers who attempt to quit are more likely to succeed if they do it gradually and without using nicotine replacement therapy (NRT).
6. Quitting smoking completely can lower your risk of developing some types of cancer by up to 90%.
7. People who smoke are three times more likely to develop heart disease than nonsmokers, and five times more likely.
As you can see, there are many health risks associated with smoking cigarettes. If you\’re considering quitting, be sure to seek help from a professional therapist.
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