In 1924, The Vihangam Yoga organization was founded by Sadguru Sadfaldeo Ji Maharaj – a renowned spiritual diviner and eternal sadguru of liberation from the Indian subcontinent. This organization adheres to an Eastern concept known as Sahaj Yog, Brahma Vidya, Madhu Vidya, Min Marg, Vihangam Yog, – which unites mind, body and spirit into one harmonious whole. In celebration of this 100 year anniversary (Varshikotsav) the Vihangam Yoga in December 17th and 18th, 2023. This event will be a great opportunity for students, meditational practitioners or spiritual seekers around the world. On the auspicious occasion of Vihangam Yog, May be Honorable Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi officiated inauguration ceremony for Swarved Mahamandir at Varanasi, Umraha – an important pilgrimage destination often referred to as cultural capital of India. So in this article we will trying explore in a presice information about life journey of Founder Sadugurudeo (Sadguru Sadfaldeo Ji Maharaj) to Present Sadgurudeo (Swatantradeo Ji Maharaj) and Swarved Mahamandir.
Question: What is the Road Map Of 100th Varshikotsav of Vihangam Yoga?
In 2023 year marks the 100th anniversary or varshikotsav of Vihangam Yoga, an ancient practice and spiritual path that is focused on expanding consciousness and achieving self-realization by the grace of Sadguru. To commemorate this milestone, Vihangam Yoga is celebrating the Varshikotsav, a year-long celebration that will provide insight into the history and benefits of this ancient practice. Through a series of events, talks, and online content, Vihangam Yoga is encouraging everyone to explore the Road Map Of 100th Varshikotsav and discover how it can help them in their journey towards self-realization.
The Road Map Of 100th Varshikotsav is divided into five sections:
1. The History of Vihangam Yoga and Its Founder Sadguru Sadfaldeo Ji Maharaj
Vihangam Yoga is a holistic spiritual practice that has its roots in brahmvidya and has been practiced for over 100 years. It was founded by Sadguru Sadfaldeo Ji Maharaj in 1924, who was born in the year 1888 on the fourth day of the first fortnight of Bhadrapada, of Vikram Samvat 1945. His illustrious lineage of yogi pioneers includes Maharishi Shringi\’s progenitors. Generations spanning six have consistently maintained the practice of yoga postures for an extended period unparalleled in its extent! Throughout his life, Sadguru Sadfaldeo Ji Maharaj dedicated himself to the practice of Brahmvidya Vihangam Yoga meditation and is widely credited for its spread to human being. He is remembered as a great spiritual master who was committed to helping others achieve spiritual enlightenment through the practice of Vihangam Yoga. You will have the opportunity to witness and listen to live discourse of Sadguru Swatantradeo Ji Maharaj.
2. The Purpose of the 100th Varshikotsav and the Benefits It Provides
The 100th Varshikotsav is a time to celebrate the importance of our community, culture, and values. This event serves to bring people together in a spirit of unity and to foster a sense of connection between members of the huminity. It is also an opportunity to share ideas, experiences, and stories of the past 100 years. The event provides numerous benefits to attendees, such as increased knowledge, improved relationships, and greater understanding of our shared heritage. Additionally, it is a time to recognize the achievements of those who have contributed to our society over the past century and to honor their memory.
3. The Various Events and Activities Taking Place in 2023
There are a variety of events and activities taking place in 2023. Some of these events include workshops, talks, and webinars. Additionally, there are several festivals that will be held throughout the year,under banner of Vihangam Yoga Festival but major program listed below here 2023.
- 30th January – Sadguru Sadafaldeo Ji Maharaj Punyatithi
- 18th Febuarary – Parthamacharya Shree Dharamachandradeo Ji Maharaj\’s 104th Janm Jayanti
- 5th and 6th April – Dandakvan Ashram\’s 8th Varshikotsav
- 4th June – Sadguru Kabir Prakatya Diwas
- 21th June – International Yoga Day
- 2nd and 3rd July – Parthamacharya Shree Dharamachandradeo Ji Maharaj\’s 54th Punyatithi
- 29th July – Sadguru Acharya Shree Swatantradeo Ji Maharaj\’s 76th Janmotsav
- 3rd September – Anant Shree Sadguru Sadfaldeo JI Maharaj\’s 136th Janam Jayanti
- 6th September – World wide Tree Plantation on Janamotsav Sant Shree Naamdeo Ji Maharaj
- 28th October – World wide Blood Donation Camp on Janamotsav Sant Parvar Shree Vigyandeo Ji Maharaj
- 28th October – 8th Varshikotsav of Himalaya Shunya Shikhar Ashram
- 17th and 18th Decemeber – 100th Varshikotsav of Vihangam Yog Sant Samaj
4. How You Can Participate in the 100th Varshikotsav
Are you eager to get a piece of the 100th Varshikotsav program? Don\’t miss out on an opportunity to participate in this milestone event by getting ahead of the spiritual journey. Make plans early – visit us at our Swarved mahamandir campus, register your participation and book up tickets before you arrive from your home! When you arrived at program place, you need to registration yourselves for security reason. When it comes time for activation or attending any one of our many events within a given year, simply subscribe online or follow us on Facebook for interactive engagement and participation! You will be afforded the opportunity to observe and listen to the Divyavani of Sant Shri Vigyandeo Ji Maharaj and Sant Shri Naamdeoneo Ji Mahraj.
5. Practices That You Can Do to Enhance Your Journey Towards Self-Realization
As we journey through life, it is important to take time to pause and reflect on our accomplishments and our growth. Enhancing your journey towards self-realization can be done in many ways, but some of the most important practices include gratitude, mindfulness, and self-compassion. Taking the time to recognize what you have achieved in the past 100 years can be an incredibly rewarding experience. Practicing mindfulness can help you stay connected to the present moment and realize the beauty of life in its fullest. Additionally, cultivating a sense of kindness towards yourself can help you learn from your mistakes and become stronger mentally and emotionally. These are just a few of the practices that can help you gain clarity on your path towards self-realization.
6. Ways To Connect with Others on the Path Towards Enlightenment
As we reflect on the past 100 years, it is important to note the progress we have made in terms of connecting with others on a deeper level. By understanding our core beliefs and values, we can bridge the gaps between ourselves and others, creating a path of enlightenment. To help achieve this goal, it is important to practice self-awareness and mindfulness, focus on building meaningful relationships with those around us, and share experiences in a safe and supportive environment. As we continue to strive for understanding and peace, these practices will help us reach our destination.
Question: What is the Vihangam Yoga ?
Vihangam Yoga, an ancient meditation method of attuning oneself to subconcious. Through regular practice of this art form one can unlock the eleventh door within their being by divine grace of Sadguru that has been practiced for over 100 years. It is a holistic approach to physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing and focuses on developing spiritual awareness. Vihangam Yoga\’s primary objective is the attainment of a connection between one\’s conscious and subconscious to unite by means of divine grace that is real yog. Yog mean addition, here we can understand addition of two concious element with regular practice and grace. The practice of Vihangam Yoga includes a combination of postures, pranayama (breathing exercises), and meditation. It also incorporates spiritual teachings from the ancient texts, such as the Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita and Swarved. The Swarved has been written by Sadguru Sadfaldeo Ji Maharaj, his experience or enlightenment of a meditative state. By incorporating this ancient wisdom into the practice, Vihangam Yoga has become an effective way to achieve mental and spiritual balance.
The Vihangam Yoga Sansthan is an eminent educational, spiritual and social organization. It is located in Paryagraj, Jhunsi, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Question: What is the Scientific base of Vihangam Yoga Meditation ?
Vihangam Yoga Meditation is a spiritual practice that has been used for more than 100 years, and its scientific basis has been studied and research. This yoga meditation practice is based on the principles of ancient bhrahmvidya. It combines physical postures with concentration meditation in order to achieve mental and spiritual wellbeing. Research has shown that regular practice of Vihangam Yoga Meditation can bring positive changes to both the body and mind.
Here you will get the research article by doctors on the Vihangam Yog Meditation Click Here
Question: What is Swarved?
Though seemingly insurmountable objectives may appear unattainable without acknowledging the necessity of proper acknowledgement:
– \”Swarved\” is a term denoting infinite possibilities, magnificence and interconnection.
The renowned Swarved possess an incomparable store of wisdom, encompassing their accumulated knowledge and experiences related to seekers on the Spiritual Journey; one which probes into the mysteries of human existence. Written by His Holiness Anant Shree Sadguru Sadafal Deo Ji Maharaj, the Swarved is a timeless composition of his profound experiences in Samadhi – penned at the abode of Shoonya Shikhar Ashram situated within the Himalayas. As an intellectual scholar, it is far beyond one\’s capability to unravel the ineffable profundities of this knowledge; only a Yogi who has attained mastery over the Spiritual Path can illuminate its magnitude.
Nij anubhav Varnan karun, Diya Gyan Prabhu Soy |
Tera hai tujhmein rahe, Karat Samarpan Soy ||
With decades of experience, I possess an invaluable comprehension gained during Vihangam Yoga Samadhi. These insights have enabled me to progress beyond my years of practice and attain mastery in yoga.
The etymology of Swarved can be traced to two terms: Swaha, which signifies Brahm – the All-Encompassing Energy; and Ved – a reference to knowledge. As such, this sacred text is an invaluable resource for those who have embarked upon a journey along the Spiritual Path and have been initiated into Vihangam Yoga\’s remarkable technique.
Today, in our technological era of hyper-accelerated change, the only authoritative scripture which is a veritable guide for Vihangam Yoga is Swarved. Accessing its expansive wisdom requires venturing into exploration of the richly allusive Swarved; and undeniable potency has made these sacred verses an indispensable resource for spiritual seekers from across continents.
Swarved is an unparalleled repository of wisdom, which outstrips any that has preceded it. Composed of a total of 3137 verses, its all-encompassing enlightenment remains unparalleled in grandeur – an incomparable spiritual splendor that cannot be matched in magnitude.
Sadguru Sadafal Deoji Maharaj offers a candid assessment of the Swarved in its preface:
Swarved is the opulent treasury of my innermost soul; an incessant fountainhead for divine illumination from within the sanctuary of my heart. It presents itself as a veritable riverbed for those desirous to attain enlightenment.
This book is a veritable treasure trove of worldly wisdom, an indescribable marvel of eloquence – an alluring embellishment for words. It offers a lucid exposition on the topic; one that gradually guides one\’s meditative journey towards self-enlightenment. In a nutshell, this scripture will keep guiding the spiritual inquisitives and knowledge seekers as a light. This paramount of Spirituality adorns the truth, and comprises of faith, hints to regularize the life – it is the zenith of ideology and has the divine message of Sadguru to attain the ultimate aim of Life.
Question: What is Swarved Mahamandir ?
World’s largest meditation center. Swarved Mahamandir is a place where more than 20000 people can meditate at once time together. It is situated on cultural capital of India – Varanasi. It is an important pilgrimage site for devotees of the all religion, and is known for its elaborate architecture and intricate carvings. The temple is said to be built in a unique way, with each wall being constructed of a large stone block. This impressive feat of engineering has kept the temple intact even after a century of weathering and wear. Visitors to the temple can explore its inner sanctum, which contains various spiritual meaning. A visit to Swarved Mahamandir is an opportunity to better understand the culture and traditions of the ancient almalgation.

The primary Vihangam Yoga site is currently under construction in Varanasi, Umraha district of India. This imposing edifice will serve as an embodiment of non-profit organisations\’ spiritual commitment to Sadguru Sadafaldeoji Maharaj\’s renowned treatise on unparalleled Spiritual Knowledge – Swarved considered the crowning achievement for the guru himself.
Question: What is The Spiritual Significance of The Swarved Mahamandir?
The majestic Swarved Mahamandir, an unparalleled edifice of sublime grandeur and magnificence, is eager to enlighten its audience with its luminous radiance. Intently engaged in this placid zone of solemn concentration and meditative contemplation it instills appreciation – offering consolation from these poignant contemplations that may lead one towards future prosperity.
In an era characterized by intense enmity and strife, the Swarved Mahamandir will become a salient source of inspiration; a haven of tranquility and harmony that serves as an invaluable platform for profound contemplation regarding the centrality of self-inquiry.
A 7-levelled super-structure.
3137 Swarved verses engraved on Makarana Marble.
Over 20,000 people can sit together and meditate.
125 petal Lotus Dome.
Mechanic presentation on the Life of Sadguru Sadafal Deo Ji Maharaj.
Subsumes the eradication of social vices and social evils.
Centre of a plethora of sociocultural projects for the wellbeing of Rural India
Inspired by the pinnacle of spirituality – the Swarved
Intricately carved sandstone structures depicting glimpse of Indian Heritage
Pink sandstone decor surrounding the Mandir\’s walls.
Exquisite garden featuring medicinal herbs.
A small glimpse of Swarved Mahamandir construction potrait from foundation 2004 to till date.

Question: Who is The Sadguru?
To know more about The Sadguru (Click Here)